Method the used is language suavity documentation datas observation with technique of explorative and search of song text.
Research having the character of qualitative this depict language suavity diction in hit song lyric. (2) function usage of diction, and (3) context usage of language suavity diction. As for problem of which studied cover (1) language suavity diction form at songs of popular Indonesia, This careful Research of language datas in the form of hit song expressing suavity. Hit song which is suavity diction have seen in song title Ayah (Ada Band), Laskar Pelangi (Nidji), Surga Di Telapak Kakimu (Gita Gutawa), Sedari Dulu (Tompi), and Bunda (Melly Goeslow). Adolescent take delight in freedom, sometimes tend to there is which digressing from arranging order. The industry of music, this time song which tend to adolescent idol is hit song which is its language tend to wild and free. One of the way of to express idea is by using song which is realized in song with adolescent language can be soulful fulminate, hatefully, marvel and sympathy.
Adolescent to this time have the way of separate in expressing every its idea. Language represent the part of requirement of human being as social creature which claim the existence of interaction and communication with humanity. TELAAH_DIKSI_KESANTUNAN_BERBAHASA_DALAM_LIRIK_LAGU.pdf